Congressman Tom Marino (R-PA-10) Statement on State of the Union


Date: Jan. 31, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Last night, I was proud to attend President Trump's first State of the Union address as he laid out his triumphs in his first year in office and his vision of a successful and strong America.

The economy is taking off and reaching new heights. Deregulation and cutting of red tape has increased productivity. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law last year has led to millions of Americans receiving bonuses and seeing higher wages. Americans from every background and socioeconomic class are seeing expanded opportunities and greater success.

I look forward to working with the Trump Administration to implement many of the priorities he discussed tonight. Repairing our crumbling infrastructure, ensuring that we can remain competitive in the 21st Century and creating jobs for millions of Americans. Reforming our broken immigration laws so that we know who is entering our country and making sure it is in the best interest of our citizens. Maintaining the most powerful and greatest force for good in the world, our armed services, and the amazing men and women who serve our country.

For the first time in 8 years I am optimistic about this country's future. Unemployment is down, wages are up, and consumer confidence is soaring. I hope we continue to implement President Trump's agenda in 2018.
